
Observations on the world today.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Didn't These Guys See "Soul Man?" 

HoustonChronicle.com - Group offers scholarships, parodies affirmative action

Parodying affirmative action policies, a conservative student group at Texas A&M University will offer scholarships next year to students who pen winning essays about "overcoming" affirmative action.

The scholarships -- for $5,000, $3,500 and $1,500 -- will be awarded next year in the "Overcoming Affirmative Action Essay Contest," sponsored by the Young Conservatives at Texas A&M and the conservative Texas Review Society, a nonprofit organization that publishes the Austin Review, Texas Education Review, the Houston Review and the Examiner (at Texas A&M).

Earlier this week, the College Republicans at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Conn., announced a $250 scholarship available only to white students. That scholarship requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a picture to "confirm whiteness."

My blonde-haired blue-eyed son is a junior in high school. I think I'm going to have him submit an essay for this scholarship. I've written the first paragraph myself. I don't think that will disqualify him. After all, most people who "overcome affirmative action" do it with daddy's help, don't they? Anyway, here is the first paragraph. The rest will be up to him.

You ask me, how did I overcome affirmative action? Well, first I wrote this condescending essay, and then a bunch of stupid bigoted rednecks gave me a suitcase full of cash.

Hopefully, honesty counts for more than penmanship, since I was laughing so hard when I wrote this that it's almost illegible.
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