
Observations on the world today.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Bury That Poll! 

CNN.com - Poll: Iraqis conflicted about war, its impact - Apr 28, 2004:
Iraqi interviewers conducted face-to-face surveys with 3,444 adults in Arabic and Kurdish in respondents' homes. The poll covered urban and rural areas throughout Iraq, representing about 93 percent of the population. It has a sampling error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Nearly half -- 47 percent -- said they believed attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq could not be justified, while 52 percent said those attacks could be justified some or all of the time.

Thirty-three percent of those polled said the war had done more good than harm, while 46 percent said it had done more harm than good.

Forty-two percent said Iraq was better off because of the war, while 39 percent said it was worse off. Given the sampling error, those figures indicated a dead heat.
There's more. Some good, some not-so-good. Mostly not-so-good.

How can anybody still think this was a war of liberation?



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