
Observations on the world today.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Bizarro Post 

The New York Times > Washington > Study Ranks Bush Plan to Cut Air Pollution as Weakest of 3
A research firm that the Bush administration commissioned to analyze its plan to lower emissions from coal-fired power plants compared the plan with two competing legislative proposals and concluded in a report released Wednesday that the administration's plan was the weakest.

At the invitation of the environmental coalition Clear the Air, the international research firm Abt Associates, which often conducts studies for the Environmental Protection Agency, used the same methodology in assessing all three. It found that the administration's plan, called the Clear Skies Act, would save as many as 14,000 lives but that the other bills would save more - 16,000 in one case and 22,000 in the other.

The findings, included in a report, "Dirty Air, Dirty Power," were immediately attacked by industry groups as a "repackaged" argument that focused on only one source of emissions. The administration's chief environmental policy adviser echoed the criticism, saying that the administration plan provided benefits as part of an overall strategy to meet air quality standards that were more stringent than ever.
And you know what, I'll bet the administration and the industry groups are telling the absolute truth. Damn those crooked independent researchers.

In other news; I've decided to endorse Bush, change my name to Rosebud and have my spine removed. It all just seems to make sense is all.


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