
Observations on the world today.

Monday, September 27, 2004

F9/11 Is a Flop? 

Weekend Box Office September 24-26, 2004

I recently learned that the right is using the page linked above to "prove" that F9/11 is doing poorly. They say that the "re-release" failed to make it into the top 20.

In the first place, so what?

In the second place, I don't think this really counts as a re-release as the movie has never stopped playing since its release.

In the third place, going with the premise that how successful this movie is has any meaning, the only movie on the list that has made more than F9/11 is [u]The Bourne Supremecy[/u]. And Bourne cost $64m more to make than F9/11 but is only ahead in sales by $54m. So F/911 is the most profitable movie on the whole list. But like I said about the right wing's "point" - so what?


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