
Observations on the world today.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Ommision Report 

Guerrilla News Network
Today’s panel also included John Judge, co-founder of 9/11 Citizens Watch and chief author of the coming "9/11 Omissions Report,” a detailed of counter-narrative to the best-selling official 9/11 Commission report. As Judge explained, the official report was more than just a cover-up, it was an “exoneration” - each chapter draft was sent to the White House to be vetted before it was set to print. There are no redacted passages in the final report, he said, because it had, in a sense, been pre-redacted. Judge told the audience of about 300 that the report could be considered to be at least partially written by the very people it was investigating.


DeWitt recommends everyone read Edmonds in her own words here, from when this past June, Edmonds sued the Justice Department and desperately fought an eventual gag order. But before being silenced and having all her material re-classified, she accused the Attorney General Ashcroft of hiding "serious criminal activities…complicity in covering up."


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