
Observations on the world today.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Monday Morning Idiot Watch 

Just for funsies, I'm thinking of starting a new feature. Every week I'll troll the conservative blogs and post my pick for stupidest thing. I suspect that most of these posts will wind up highlighting blogs for Bush. Take this for example:
Staged? Yes!
Here's what being staged really means:
If Michelle Kosinski's canoe had sprung a leak on NBC's "Today" show Friday, she didn't have much to worry about.
In one of television's inadvertently funny moments, the NBC News correspondent was paddling in a canoe during a live report about flooding in Wayne, N.J. While she talked, two men walked between her and the camera - making it apparent that the water where she was floating was barely ankle-deep.

Matt Lauer struggled to keep a straight face, joking about the "holy men" who were walking on water.

"Have you run aground yet?" Katie Couric asked.

"Why walk when you can ride?" Kosinski replied.

Later, an NBC News spokeswoman explained that Kosinski had been riding in deeper water near an overflowing river down the street, but there were concerns that the current was too strong for her.

"It's not like we were trying to pass it off as something it wasn't," spokeswoman Lauren Kapp said.
Think the lefty bloggers will jump all over this? I didn't think so either..
Now the stupid part of this is not that they think they are making some grand pot/kettle point about Bush's staged photo op. The stupid thing is that the writer first rhetorically assumes that no left wing blogs are going to note this (Think the lefty bloggers will jump all over this?,) and that he then takes that assumption one step further and declares himself vindicated (I didn't think so either.)

To prove my point, I call your attention to the decidedly left leaning site Crooks and Liars.

This post was placed Online at 3:42 PM on Friday the 14th. Blogs for Bush didn't get their post up until 6:36 PM, so they cannot claim that C&L was only responding to their observation.

The thing is, the left is just as disgusted by bogus media coverage as the right. The difference is we don't necessarily assume a conservative bias to every stunt the media pulls. This was an over-zealous journalist trying to over-dramatize a story, nothing more. For all I know, the girl in the canoe voted for Bush.

By the way, I tried to post a comment on the B4B site, but got a message that it will be posted only after review. I'm not holding my breath.

By the way, here are some other liberal and/or neutral sites that posted on this non-story;
El Cheringuito

Don Singleton

World of Staci

Offbeat News
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